Tuesday, May 19, 2015

10 Simple Ways To Organize Your Child's Playroom

If you wish to remove clutter in your child's playroom, then you are on the right page. Here are 10 simple yet creative ways to organize your child's playroom and clear your head from all that mess.

1. It's A Toy, No It's A Storage Solution

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"A toy can also double up a storage space. If you have little space, remember this when getting big items for the room. Find one that allows you to keep things as well."
Storage Solutions For Your Child's Playroom Should Be Able To Double Up As Toys

If you have not enough room for toys and storage, one way to go about this problem is to have a toy that is both a plaything as well as a storage solution.
I like this lemonade stand toy which can double up as storage. Children love to role play and this will give your child an opportunity to role play at being a shopkeeper.
This one is excellent for kids who love to play with toy food. I wish I had one of these when my kids were younger. We used our playhouse tent as a shop. My kids loved to play pretend shopkeeper and they had a lot of toy food. This would have been just right.

2. A Place To Organize Your Child's Books Is A Must!

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"All children must be taught to love books from young. The best way is to encourage reading by having a reading corner with a book rack for favorite books"
You Can Organize Your Child's Books By Putting Them On Bookshelves Or In Book Racks

I know this is a hub about organizing playrooms but I would like to mention that kids should be taught how to love reading from a young age. I hate how the many electronic devices are taking our children away from books at a younger age.
One way of encouraging your child to read is to set up a reading corner. If you have a bookshelf, that is great, however I also like a book rack. A book rack makes it easy for your child to get to his or her favorite books.
I like how colorful this book rack is. It can fit into most themes or brighten up a dull room but best of all, it can keep books, wonderful books that all children must be taught to love.

3. A Quite Place To Sit And Play Can Also Be A Storage Solution
Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"A specialized chair for arts and crafts is just right for a child who enjoys drawing and crafting"
Art Materials Can Be Organized With A Specialized Table And Chair For Little Artists

Kids who love to draw should ideally be provided with a place to do just that. A table and chair that has many storage compartments will help you to organize all the art and craft materials, the glitter pens, pains, colored pencils, crayons, glues and more. This makes it so much easier than looking for them if you stash these materials in a cupboard somewhere.
This table is great for a quiet rainy day at home.
However, do remember my table above where I mentioned that your storage solution should be able to grow with your child.If you think that your child will quickly outgrow this one, then perhaps you should think twice before buying something like that. If you have several children, then it is okay because it can be passed along to siblings or if you have spare cash, then why not?

4. Storage Solution For Kids Who Love Legos

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"Just like any other part of your house, you must also have a place for everything and have everything in its place for your child's playroom."
How To Organize Legos And Other Toys With Small Parts

If you have a child who loves Legos and play with them often, then it is a good idea to get a specialized box just for storing Legos. This idea can be used for any other toy with small parts too.
A storage box with many compartments is excellent for this purpose. I like the idea of putting away toys in categories. Legos go in the Lego box, food toys go in the food box, arts and crafts in the arts and crafts tray. Organizing toys like this makes it so much easier to find the toys.
Don't make the mistake of getting a few plastic containers and then throwing everything inside. That, is not organizing. Hiding toys away is different from organizing toys.
5. Store Your Child's Toys In Storage Benches Or Chairs

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"A toy bench storage is good if you have the space, if not then opt for box chairs or chests."
A Chair That Doubles Up As A Toy Chest Is A Very Clever Organizing Idea

Those people who invented benches that one can sit on but with drawers underneath are brilliant. They are a smart and clever way to clear your child's playroom quickly to get the clean uncluttered look. So too are the toy boxes that double up as seats. I love them.
These chair or benches toy chests are clever because your child can sit on them. Make sure they are made of sturdy material and won't topple over. If you are getting wooden toy chests that double up as chairs, make sure that the lid won't hurt little fingers when opening or shutting the chest.

6. Organize The Wall Space In Your Child's Playroom

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"Don't Forget The Walls When Organizing. Walls can be used for shelves and magnetic boards to organize artwork"
Don't Forget The Wall Space When Organizing Your Child's Playroom

One way to organize your child's playroom is to think about the walls as well. I like using chalkboards or magnetic whiteboards to temporary put up my child's current favorite painting or art project. They are also great for sticking reminders to myself or to them using magnetic buttons. It is one of the best ways to organize your time and the room.
Another way is to frame up your child's drawings and display them. This adds story and interest to the room without burning your budget. I also like peel and stick stickers like this peel and stick chalkboard because they are versatile. You can use it to write reward stars for your child for good behavior or for recording important events.
7. Get See Through Storage Bins So You Know What's Inside
Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"I like the fact that boxes with lid keeps the toys dust free and reduces the time I have to spend wiping toys."
Find A Place For Your See Through Storage Bins

If you do not have the time to sort your child's stuff into categories (although I highly recommend that you should do so as a little time spent doing that can save you hours of time searching for toys.) Anyway, I digressed. If you don't have time and just want to throw everything into boxes or if your child is keeping them (children can be taught to sort as they keep too). Anyway if you just want to throw them in because you are always in a rush (as most parents are), then see through storage boxes are for you.
You can easily see what's inside the boxes. You can stack the boxes up or find one that comes with a frame that fits your boxes. After that it is just carry and play whichever box your child happens to fancy at the time.

Here Is Another Storage Bin Unit With Frames

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"Colorful Storage Bins Can Be Used To Color Code Toys For Siblings Or To Sort Into Different Categories"
This Option Is Useful If You Want Your Child To Be Able To Get To Their Toys Easily Themselves

If you don't mind wiping toys, then you can consider the open storage bins. I like how this one is colorful and easily accessible to kids.
If you have several kids, you can color code the storage bins. Blue for big brother, yellow for younger sister and green for the youngest boy. Something like that. Or you can color code the toys. Blue for Legos, Green for food toys, Blue for others or Big boxes for big items, small boxes for small items.

8. Pull Along Storage Are Very Versatile

Where To Buy One Like This
Quick Tip
"Think Versatility And Flexibility When Looking For Storage Solutions"
Flexible And Versatile Storage Should Be Considered

If you like to move your children's toys around perhaps to another part of the house, then versatile storage is for you, one with wheels. It also allows your child to pull his toys along and you won't have to lift heavy toy boxes. After playing, just put everything back into the box and pull it back to its original position.
I really like the flexibility the pull and store container gives. It allows you to "move" you children's "playroom" and playthings to whenever you are at the moment. They will also enjoy pulling their toys along.

9. Tables Are Not Tables But Storage Organizers

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"Remember that little children grow very quickly. So unless you have several children, or you don't mind spending, I would choose other storage solutions (there are plenty on this page) rather than kid sized furniture."
Get Furniture That Allows You To Store Your Child's Things

In a child's playroom, you must think multifunctional. A chair is a toy box, A table is a container and organizer. A toy is a storing solution. This not only helps you to save space but it also helps you reduce clutter in your kid's rooms.
With that in mind, a table that has storage containers and organizers definitely scores with me as one of the best ways to organize your child's playroom.

10. Storage Does Not Have To Be Ugly Containers

Where To Buy One Like This

Quick Tip
"Make organizing your child's room fun and find creative ways to brighten up and make the room look better not worse, like a store room."

Storage Can Be Decorative In Nature

Instead of having ugly plastic containers in one corner of the room, you can use storage as the focal point of a room like this dollhouse shaped toys and book shelf. It would look wonderful in a girl's room.
For boys, you can consider themes like sports, space, dinosaurs etc when looking around for toys chests etc.
Decorative storage units make a room more cheery and welcoming. Use that idea to your best advantage.
Good luck in your organizing efforts! I hope you enjoyed this post.

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